Saturday, December 17, 2011

The second job the digital leaders did ...

Why is Mrs Bradford looking concerned? Because she can't open the 45 ipad boxes quickly enough!

Miss BB wasn't much help either, so we had to call on the services of the digital leaders.

Their thoughts coming very soon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Roydon Digital Leaders!

Today was a very exciting day for the year 6 digital leader applicants, because it was interview day!

The interviews spread across the morning and the children were both
excited and nervous.

All year sixes answered the questions really well and had some great ideas for how to develop the role.
They have a lot of exciting things to do. Look out for their blog in the new year.

After the interviews there was an observed task. The applicants had to access Kodu game lab, work out what to do and follow the tutorial
without any teaching input!
They were soon creating their worlds, adding Kodus and programming them!

Their confidence, use of initiative and collaborative skills showed what great digital leaders they will all be - so they have all been employed!
Their views on Kodu and learning things for themselves? Read them for yourself!

"There are no limits - you can make whatever you like."
"It's awesome! So easy to use."
"It's your world! You can do what you want."
"Such good fun!"
"It's like being out of reality in your own world."